Welcome to Love Fellowship
Service Times:
9:05 AM Sunday Growth Groups
10:30 AM Morning Worship
730 N. Independence Blvd.
Romeoville, IL 60446

Welcome from our Pastor
We are extremely excited that you are here! Our primary goal and desire is to introduce you to Jesus. In the process we want you to become part of our local church family where we endeavor to learn and grow together in our faith. We believe the Christian life is intended to be lived out with other believers in community, worshiping God together, praying together, encouraging one another, and engaging our culture with a missional mindset.
Love Fellowship Baptist Church is a vibrant community of Christ followers of all ages and diverse backgrounds, having one thing in common: to grow closer to God and to one another. This commonality leads us to pursue a singular vision and mission; remaining focused on growing God's kingdom for His name and His glory.
If you are looking for a place where you can connect with others who are excited about loving God, growing together, and serving others, then Love Fellowship is the place for you. We invite you to worship with us this Sunday!
Yours In Christ,
Pastor Bryan R. Price and the LFBC Family
email: bprice@lfbconline.com