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Step One: Become a follower of Jesus
Many refer to this step as "being born again" or "getting saved." Terminology is not as important as the action itself.  The Bible outlines  three actions that we must take in order to begin a relationship with God through Jesus.
  • Agree with and admit to God that you are a sinner.
  • Repent; which means change direction. Be willing to turn from sin.
  • Trust in Jesus' death and resurrection as the payment for your sin.

The result is a brand new life in Christ; a relationship with God that begins now and last for eternity! (See Romans 3:23; 5:8; 6:23; 10:8-10; John 3:16).
Step Two: Become a member of LFBC
Joining a local church is essential for a follower of Christ because the Christian life is meant to be lived out in community.  For many, joining LFBC happens simultaneously with making a decision to follow Jesus.  Although most make their decision for membership during our Sunday morning worship time, you can become a member at any of our gatherings.  

NOTE:  After every sermon an invitation is given for those who are at the point of decision, either to follow Jesus or join LFBC or both.  When you respond, we have trained individuals who will take time at that moment to lead you through God's plan of salvation from the Bible so that you will have full understanding of the decision that you've made.

Step Three: Become a growing Christian

Once you commit to following Jesus and become a member of LFBC, we will encourage you to get in our New Members class, and after completion, immediately get into a Sunday Growth Group.  From their you will have many opportunities for small group studies, and Christian life mentorships that we call One-on-One Discipleship.

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