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What should I wear?
You can wear whatever you choose. On any given Sunday you will find men in suits and women in dresses sitting next to someone in jeans, T-shirts and gym shoes. Although we believe in giving God our best in everything that we do, we understand what the "best" outfit for one person may not be the "best" for someone else. We all have our preferences, but ultimately worship begins in the heart. Dress is a secondary issue at best.
Do I have to give money?
We believe giving is part of worship (Rom. 12:1-2). At Love Fellowship we only receive one offering during the primary worship time and our desire is that people give willingly and cheerfully to the support of God's church. However, we also understand that giving is a personal matter between the individual and God. Therefore, if a guest does not understand biblical stewardship and does not feel compelled to give, our obligation is to honor that individuals choice.
How long are your services?
Our primary worship gathering begins at 10:30 am and we are usually done no later than 12:00 pm. We believe in honoring God with our time and see an hour and a half as the least we can give out of a seven day week.
What does a typical worship gathering look like?
Worship at Love Fellowship will consist of corporate prayer, scripture reading, singing (usually led by a choir), a time for "meet and greet", a time for worship through giving, and a message preached from the Bible by Pastor Price or one of the pastoral staff. After every sermon there is an invitation extended to those who would like to make commitment to follow Jesus and unite with Love Fellowship.
While worship can be introspective and thought provoking, it can also be full of emotion especially during times of prayer, singing and preaching. At Love Fellowship it is not unusual to find yourself clapping your hands, shouting amen, pondering intensely a biblical passage, laughing, and crying all in a short hour and a half service. The main point is feel free to worship in a way that is comfortable to you!
Will I have to stand and say anything?
Of course not. There is a time during the worship service where visitors are welcomed, but they are not asked to stand or say a word. No one is put on the spot at LFBC.
Where would I fit in?
We have several groups and activities taking place on the weekends and throughout the week. Two primary places we ask people to plug into is our Sunday morning Growth Groups where we have classes for all ages, morning worship, and Midweek Gathering. From there you will be able to meet new people and find out more about what's happening at LFBC.
Morning Worship: If for some reason you cannot make Sunday School on your first visit, that's OK. During our morning worship, you will fit in just fine. During the worship time there is a time set aside for "meet and greet." This is where everyone is given the opportunity to move from their seat and meet someone they do not know. This is a great ice-breaker for first time guest.
What about my children?
There are Sunday Growth Groups for every age. Your children will be in good hands with our trained children's and youth workers. They will have fun learning at their age level.
In addition, during morning worship we have a children's church (ages 5-11) and nursery (crib-4). Children's Church follows a similar order as the adult worship and is designed to teach children at their level of understanding, while getting them accustomed to the order of worship. Don't worry, it's not super rigid. The kids play games, sing, have snacks and do projects as well. For children ages 0-4 yrs. we have a trained nursery team who will care for your children with the utmost love and diligence. They will read Bible stories, watch DVDs especially for children, have play time and snacks.
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